It's only fitting that our first short film, Cross Country Revival, features the gals who sported the first Skida hats over 12 years ago. Cross Country skiing will always be at the heart of Skida and we hope you enjoy watching this love-letter to the sport and community that started it all!

Cross-country skiing is *surely* enjoying a revival. Here's what we saw:
Seen in VOGUE | NOVEMBER 1, 1971

Forty years later, cross-country skiing is still making headlines! Last December, the Wall Street Journal predicted an uptick in the sport's popularity:
In response to resort reservation systems and concerns about overcrowding in the backcountry this winter, accomplished downhill skier Paddy "PaddyO" O'Connell clips into skinny skis for the first time and attempts to learn how to cross-country ski in his series "Becoming a Nordork".
Watch Episode 1 here »

Just a few years on the heels of Jessie Diggins' and Kikkan Randall's historic Olympic gold medal in cross-country skiing – the first in the sport for the U.S. – Diggins became the first American to win the FIS Tour de Ski and the first American woman to win the overall and distance World Cup titles this winter.
Are you ready to enter the world of cross-country skiing? Well, there's always next winter...